Announcing Joanna Lumley as Patron of SEM

Ms Joanna Lumley OBE, FRGS Patron of SEM

The Trustees and I are delighted to announce that Ms Joanna Lumley OBE, FRGS is now the patron of Sheffield Environmental Movement (SEM). We feel privileged to have Ms Lumley as our patron, she is known for her passion about making a change in various aspect of our society. The support of Ms Lumley and her acknowledgement of SEM will be key in helping us raise awareness of the work of our charity.

Ms Lumley does not need introduction, she is an icon known to millions around the world as an actress, author, television producer and activist.

Joseph Saverimoutou

Chair of SEM

ITV Calendar Interview BHM2020


For Black History Month 2020, ITV Calendar made a short film about our walking group. Reporter Lisa Adlam spoke to Maxwell Ayamba, our project coordinator and Mark Hutchinson, one of SEM’s Trustees. Mark and Maxwell spoke about how and why our first walking group was formed and the importance of BME involvement in green spaces.

The film was broadcast on Thursday 1 October 2020.

See a clip from the film clip on the ITV Calendar Website (Please Note – this link will open a new webpage.)

CPRE Magazine Interview


The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) magazine has published an interview with Maxwell Ayamba.

You can find the interview in which Maxwell reflects on his role at SEM and the need to improve BAME access to rural spaces, in the summer 2020 issue of  CPRE Countryside Voices magazine,

Thanks to The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) magazine.




60 miles for 60 years

environmental opportunities sheffield environmental movement

The fantastic Joanna Dobson is organising this fundraising appeal on behalf of SHEFFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT.

Her fundraiser called “60 miles for 60 years” and she says that; ” This year I will celebrate my sixtieth birthday, and over the next few months, I want to raise £600 for SEM by walking sixty miles, one for every year of my life.”

Joanna believes in the positive effects of rural spaces and wants to help BAMER groups access  countryside activities.

Joanna whole heartedly supports us in our work and states on her fundraiser page that; ” The Sheffield Environmental Movement (SEM) is an amazing organisation that does all kinds of things to make it easier for BAMER people to get involved in environmental activities.”

Please support her good work.

Donations are eligible for Gift Aid.