Access to Nature in the English Countryside


Access to nature in the English countryside

CPRE, the countryside charity recently commissioned a participant-led research project exploring inequalities in access to the countryside for people of colour.

The report found that experiences of racism and lack of access can create barriers to participation in rural spaces for people of colour.

Funded by CPRE SEMs Maxwell Ayamba completed the Access to Nature Participant Research Project (Ethnographic Peer research) and was published as part of the Access to nature in the English countryside research project report.

You can read the whole report on the CPRE website.

UK Schools Sustainability Network – Climate and Sustainability

30 individuals from across the UK – including teachers, students and representatives from various organisations – including SEMs Maxwell Ayamba, have produced this short introduction to the issues of climate and sustainability and what you can do and who is out there to support you.

The National Cycle Network & Tourism

Sustrans logo

On 13 July 2021 The National Cycle Network (Sustrans) held a roundtable featuring SEM’s Maxwell Ayamba.

Chaired by Steve Brine MP, the round table discussed five key questions and highlighted how the Network can make a greater contribution to local tourism and economies.

After discussions, several recommendations were made to make the network more inclusive and responsive to the needs of local communities.

Reccommendations included;

– Working with partners to increase the number of new community groups involved with the Network.

– seeking opportunities and partnerships across the UK to illustrate how different demographic groups can enjoy the Network.

– promoting that the countryside and the National Cycle Network is for and belongs to everyone.

– ensuring that Tourism providers publicity advertising for countryside holiday targets diverse audiences.

– making the National Cycle Network more accessible

The National Cycle Network is a network of signed routes spanning the UK. It is used by walkers, joggers, wheelchair users and horse riders, as well as people on cycles. Over a third of the UK population lives within 800 metres (a 10-minute walk) of the Network. A local asset with incredible reach, it connects people and places across the UK and provides traffic-free spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Keynote at Leeds Arts University Symposium

leeds symposium 2021

Maxwell wil give a keynote address at The Expanding Communities of Sustainable Practice Symposium in October 2021.

“continuing the dialogue on how to expand communities of sustainable practice within and beyond art and design schools. Given the need for art and design education to transform its mode of operating in times of massive ecological crises, the symposium is an opportunity to learn from cases of good practice, obtain feedback on one’s initiatives and to network with others who are eager to make art and design education an effective advocate of sustainable practice.

Communities of sustainable practice are groups or networks of educators, designers, artists, craftspeople, researchers and students who aim to place sustainability concerns at the heart of their practice. Through the symposium we want to provide a space for people involved in such initiatives to effectively network and strategise together in order to enhance the positive impact and reach of what they do.”

The event takes place online on 14th & 15th October 2021 hosted by Leeds Arts University.

Tickets for the symposium will be available from September.

You can find out more here.