Maxwell Attends Launch of National Landscapes Scheme
SEM’s CEO Maxwell A Ayamba was invited by the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) to the launch of the National Landscapes at the Royal Society, London.
The event, attended by over 100 people from various environmental organisations across England marked the moment when all the AONBs across England and Wales became National Landscapes. It was a bold new brand to match their ambition and national status.
Although AONBs are very important landscapes as they are Sites of Special Scientific Interests (SSSIs) within our National Parks, however very little is known about them in communities that visit national parks, especially those from ethnic minority communities.
The new design is therefore meant to make them well known and popular among visitors to our national Parks for people specifically ethnic minority communities to appreciate them.
Maxwell, who was once a guest speaker at the National Association of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NAAONB) event in London in 2019 was therefore consulted in 2023 by NAAONB on its new strategy leading to the rebranding. Phil Mulligan, CEO of the Peak District National Park Authority also attened the conference..